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How are international hospitals different from local hospitals in China?

No one wants to have to pay a visit to the hospital, especially here in China, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Luckily, Shanghai is home to

Choosing a expat health insurance plan

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]When choosing which health insurance you want to have, you have to look closely at the fine print of the policies to understand the

Permanent Health Insurance

When it comes to sickness cover, this is the ‘daddy’ of policies. The reason for this is that, as the name states, the cover is

Find the best expat health insurance for your needs

Care is always better than cure… this advise is marked for people relating to all groups of age. Life happens to exist in its full

Cost-Effective Alternatives to Long-Term Health Insurance for Expats

In our families, we have elderly people who need continuous care and special treatment to maintain their health. Even in some cases, if not elderly

Is Short-Term Medical Insurance Plan Suitable for You or Not?

Life is a big gamble in itself. You are well at one moment and might encounter a mishap on very next. Nothing stays as you

Expat Living in Dubai

Part of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai occupies a unique place in the Middle East when it comes to culture and tourism. Avoiding some of

Expatriate Healthcare for Expats in Asia

Before coming to Asia one has to make the choice of what kind of services they would like to have for themselves. There are local