
Pellentesque non convallis sem, a sagittis nisl. Curabitur laoreet malesuada justo eget interdum. Nunc suscipit elit eu dui sagittis, a vehicula ligula vehicula.

Public Chinese hospitals strike fear in the hearts of foreigners.

A visit to a Chinese hospital for women Entering the lobby of a Chinese hospital is sensory overload – LED boards scrolling instructions, families simultaneously debating plans of action, and the familiar crowds clamouring at every service. Nearest the front door are Reception nurses in perky fuchsia hats and uniforms taking requests from new arrivals. I told them my purpose in halting Mandarin: mammogram; blood work; and gynaecological exam. Three color-coded tickets were promptly issued and I was directed to …

Health Insurance for Students in China

Times can be tough when you’re young and studying for that all-important degree. Attending a university abroad is becoming an increasingly common attractive opportunity for combining academic advancement with cultural exchange, particularly for language students. Nowadays campuses all over China are taking on a particularly international flavour as students from all over the world flock to learn how to speak Chinese. Studying anywhere isn’t cheap however, especially as it’s difficult to earn much income when you are occupied full-time with …

Local Cover Vs International Insurance for Expats in Vietnam

 Are you an expat in Vietnam who is trying to figure out which health insurance plan to purchase? Are you still undecided on your options and want to know more about the differences in insurance types, the positives, and the negatives? If so, we can help you to see the light, gain a spot of clarity and make the right choice that works best for you. Living in Vietnam is a fantastic life-changing experience, and if you live in one …

Group Health Insurance for International Schools

All international schools need to have group health insurance for their teachers, local employees and students at their school. This is highly important for the teachers when they apply for a position at a school, and is extremely essential for the students and their families. There are a multitude of companies that supply these services in Asia and it can be a little overwhelming and rather difficult to decide which company best suits people’s needs. It can also be highly …